
The Kids, Me and School

Well the one of Emma was taken tonight. She Lieks her Flippy Flops.....Now I have NO CLUE where she got Flippy Flops out of Slippers but she did. I think it is Cute lol......Now the ones of Bub and Lex were taken yesterday by themselves.....at 2 separate times of the day LOL....I think they both had the same thing on their minds LMBO!!!

I have an appt with BTC on Friday to help with financial stuff for school. Wish me luck please. I also have homework :D The lady in the Admin Office gave me a book to study for the Assessment test that I take on the First of Oct. :D Kinda nervous but I know that I can handle it especially since it is something I want BADLY lol.

Have a great night everyone :D

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