
Me and Me LOL

Well Morning sickness is finally over!  I found out that I am having a bouncing baby boy!  And boy do I mean BOUNCING LOL!  Robert Alexander is his name :D  He moves ALL the time just Like Emma did!  I am still wanting to crochet me something LOL.  Except I have to make a baby blanket too :)  I was thinking light blue and light brown.  Showed the colors to Marvin and he liked them as well.  Dont know what pattern to make yet But I will figure it out and post it on here unless I make one up :).  I am still wanting to sell stuff.  I have been messing around with business cards again as well.  I wanted to add my Very basic photography on to it as well as crocheting.  But I thought I could make calendars and stuff as well and incorporate both Photography and Crochet together for that :)  Been looking around the net for inspiration and I came across a website that was showing yarn and beads in a bowl and Lexi said I should make a calendar so i will be looking into different ideas.  I have a bunch of my Grandmothers teacups and things so I thought why not :)  I can use my thread and yarn as well :)  And with everything blooming I can use flowers too :) I just need to get out more with the cam :)  We have been hiking just about every weekend :)  Been to places I didnt even know was here in Whatcom County LMAO!! 

I hope that this blog find everyone doing well :)
