

Here are the pics to the Bookmark pattern that I posted before. I wanted the close up of the stitch I love my camera lol and here is a pic of MOST of the book mark lol. I wanted to show the whole thing but I wanted the stitches to show more lol and the whole thing didnt want to fit in to the frame lol. Alexis chose the black ribbon to go with the baby pink.

I am going to make her a black one since she is liking black ALOT right now. I am not going to tell her no she cant wear it or paint her nails black. I know that she will probably jsut grow out of the whole Black being a fave color. I think that is it friends that are influencing it a little bit.

Anyways, I hope that you all enjoy this pattern if anyone has tried to make it. Please let me know when and if you do :D


Book Mark Pattern

I dont have a pic yet and it isnt tested. But here ya go :D

Size 7 Steel Hook
Size 10 Thread

Ch 54
Row 1: Dc in 6th chain from Hook. Ch 2 sk 2 ch Dc in next ch. All the way across.

Round 1: Ch 2 * 3Dc, ch3 Picot on top of 3rd Dc, 3Dc in ch 2 Space. 2Sc in next ch across*. In the end space 3Dc, ch3 Picot, 3Dc, 3Sc, 3Dc, ch3 picot 3Dc. Repeat from *to* Across.

In the end space 3Dc, ch3, Picot, 3Dc, 3Sc.

*3Dc, ch3 Picot on top of 3rd Dc, 3Dc in ch 2 Space* Repeat from * to * across Join to top of First Dc.
Finish off and Weave in Ends.

Stiffen as Desired and Weave in Ribbon if you like.

Remember as with everyones Patterns tho it if Copy righted. As far as I know there isnt a pattern out there like this one if there is I am sorry and will take it down if it is.

I will post a pic as soon as it is dry :D



Well I just took a words per minute test online. I type 29 wpm LOL. I feel that that is really slow. So I will be practicing alot on that site that I found just to get it up there so that I can type faster. I also need to learn not to look at my fingers while I am typing lol. I never could master that in school either. Not doing to well on knowing where the letters are while I am typing lol.

Hope everyone is doing well today :D


Finally Finished

I am finally finished with this Lapghan. You can Kinda see it. Emma said that she had to Test it. Where she heard that from I am not sure LOL. But she cozied right up with it last night. I do have to mail it out sometime soon. I just hope the receiver likes it.

I am in the process of making my own shrug right now. I have the body almost done. The Fruits of staying up till 3:30 am lol. I just didnt want to put it down. I should have it finished tonight or at least the body of it finished. I have talked about making me one for work. Well now I have started one lol. I will post it here when I figure out how to rewrite it for other sizes lol. It shouldn't be too hard tho. It is just Dc's and Hdc's so we will see.

Well I am now headed off for work. Have a great Day everyone :D